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Online Companion
Investigating Cholera in Broad Street



See description, contents, and additional resources at Investigating Cholera in Broad Street: A History in Documents, Broadview Press (2020).

Brief Descriptions of Sub-Menu Topics

Supplementary Documents

This section contains extended transcriptions of documents, similarly numbered, excerpted in Investigating Cholera in Broad Street, followed by complementary material for which there was no room or which I have located since the book was written.


This section contains PDFs for all footnote citations in Investigating Cholera in Broad Street that are in the public domain or for which we have received permission from the copyright holder. Sources are listed alphabetically by author as given in the notes unless they appeared in a newspaper or journal. Such citations appear alphabetically by the name of the journal or newspaper, thereafter by date of issue.

Downloads from newspapers and journals usually contain entire pages. For newspaper citations, the letter that follows the page number designates the column in which the article is located.

Abbreviations used in the References section:

CfSI — Committee for Scientific Inquiries [within the Medical Council to the second General Board of Health].

MCC — John Snow, On the Mode of Communication of Cholera (1849).

MCC2 — John Snow, On the Mode of Communication of Cholera, 2nd edition (1855).

MCS — Metropolitan Commission of Sewers.

MPC — John Snow, "On the mode of propagation of cholera" (1851).

PMCC — John Snow, "On the pathology and mode of communication of cholera" (1849).

RCP — Royal College of Physicians.

WMS — Westminster Medical Society.

Supplementary Figures

This section contains larger, high-resolution PDFs of maps, diagrams, tables, and other figures in the public domain that appear in Investigating Cholera in Broad Street, as well as additional images that could not be included—listed chronologically by date of publication. For example, although Snow first exhibited a map of the Broad Street outbreak on 4 December 1854, it's listed in the index page as 1855:01, the date of its first public appearance in MCC2.

Using the automatic zoom function will improve the clarity of large maps. All PDFs may be downloaded.

Teaching Stuff

A — Interpretive essays and preprints

B — Curriculum and pedagogy

C — Instructional aids and tools

D — Course syllabi

E — Student projects

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